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Looking Back at the Biggest Lab Trends of 2017

Over the last few years, technological advancements and procedural developments have revolutionized the way that laboratory testing and analytics are performed. Incorporating the latest and greatest technologies and implementing best practices, laboratories, testing and research facilities have managed to increase productivity, precision and innovation. And as the year 2017 draws to a close, it's a good time to reflect on the strides that were made in the industry. By considering the advancements that have been made in laboratory procedures this year, you can begin to think about what kinds of trends you might see in the coming years.

Automation of Mundane Tasks

One of the most important shifts in laboratories across the world is an increase in automation. Years ago, technicians had to pipette material into individual flasks, painstakingly complete redundant assays and move plates around during procedures. All of these tasks can now be done with the help of automated laboratory technology. This kind of automation frees up scientists and technicians to engage in innovative work while mitigating tedium in laboratories.

Automation of redundant or repetitive laboratory tasks can also positively impact productivity, allowing procedures to be completed quickly and accurately. By utilizing robotic arms and other automated machinery, processes in laboratories are streamlined and, in turn, time and money is saved.

An excellent example of automation in laboratory tasks is the complete line of stirrers, shakers and rotators that Labnet International offers to keep processes moving while technicians are doing more important tasks.

Collaborative Workspaces

Beyond technological advancements, laboratories are experiencing trends in the way researchers and technicians administer tests and conduct research. One notable shift in this regard is towards collaboration between researchers and technicians within a lab. The concept of an open or shared lab can be challenging to acclimate to, but, when it is executed effectively, it can also free up more resources and bring down costs.

Because of how diverse the fields of testing, research and analytics have become, the laboratory environment must be built to reflect this versatility. Modulars, workstations and lab equipment that can be modified, moved and adapted to meet the present needs of a given procedure broaden the scope of what can be done within a laboratory.

Labnet International offers scalable solutions for many types of workstations and lab setups. Whether it looks like a mini-centrifuge on every workstation or large, centralized spinning benches, our full line of products surely offers the products you need.


Almost every industry around today has to contend with the issue of efficiency. Making moves to achieve greater sustainability and efficiency is important, not only from an environmental perspective but also from an economic standpoint. In laboratories, there is often 24-hour access by technicians and researchers. This unremitting power usage can drive energy costs up considerably. In order to reduce waste and cut costs, laboratories are focusing on retrofitting with energy-efficient technologies and monitoring systems.

Innovative design and technological advances have advanced the capacity and efficiency of laboratories by leaps and bounds. At Labnet International, we strive to stay on the cutting edge when it comes to lab products and services.

You can browse our exceptional laboratory product lines on our website and find out more about how our equipment can revolutionize your lab!