Top 5 Questions to Ask When Buying a Lab Shaker
02 Aug 2019
It can be challenging to navigate all of the different lab shaker options on the market. You want to find the products that will offer the best performance at the most reasonable prices. To help guide your search and ensure that you’re happy with your product purchase, there are several key questions that you should be asking.
- What’s the capacity of this shaker? Capacity is one of the most important factors to consider when you’re selecting a shaker. You need to know that your shaker has the capacity you need for the particular samples that you need to process. You can find shakers in a wide variety of sizes with varying capacities so it’s important to carefully consider what your needs are before you make a purchase.
- What kind of accessories are included and what extras are available? Shakers often come equipped with accessories and attachments that are designed to accommodate different sample sizes and facilitate various cycles and processes. You should find out which accessories are included with your equipment purchase, if any, and what kinds of additional accessories are available for purchase separately.
- What about RPMs? The RPM capabilities of a given shaker can have a big impact on its performance, depending on your specific application. You need to consider what kind of speed you need for your application and find a shaker that accommodates those needs.
- What can I expect in the long run? You need to consider the long-term performance and longevity of any equipment that you invest in. The longer a piece of equipment lasts, the more money you will save in the long-run on maintenance and replacement. With that in mind, it’s worth it to invest in higher-quality equipment, since that will offer you the best savings in the long run.
- How does this price compare? Price shouldn’t be the end-all be-all of your equipment search, but it certainly plays a key role, especially if you are on a tight budget. You might not find the kind of quality you’re looking for in the cheapest lab shaker on the market, but that doesn’t mean that the most expensive option is the right one, either. Consider the value of the equipment that you’re considering rather than just the price. Look at various manufacturers to determine where a shaker falls on the average price scale and consider the particular features and performance that a given shaker offers to assess its value.
If you’re looking for a high-quality lab shaker that you can rely on for years, reach out to Labnet International. We are proud to provide an extensive selection of lab equipment that offers exceptional performance, efficiency and longevity for a variety of applications. Browse our selection of lab equipment online and contact us for more information.