Protect DNA Samples and Increase PCR Yield with the MPS 1000 Mini PCR Plate Spinner
03 Oct 2013
Maintaining the quality and integrity of your DNA samples in the lab is crucial to successful PCR, as there are multiple factors at play to ensure you end up with a high yield of amplified DNA once PCR is completed.
Without proper liquid handling techniques (see Labnet’s Pipette Best Practices), you run the risk of an incomplete mixture of your specific reaction reagents and DNA samples, leading to a reduction in the quality and quantity of your PCR yield.
Two very specific issues exist that can be somewhat alleviated by following liquid handling best practice procedures in your lab and avoiding improper liquid handling that can leave droplets of solution on side walls of plate wells, as well as pipetting that leads to the formation of small bubbles within the solution. When either one of these happen, you can end up with improperly mixed samples that negatively affect the PCR yield itself.
One solution that can almost completely remove these issues is the use of a lab centrifuge prior to beginning the thermal cycling process used for PCR. By using a centrifuge to spin samples, you can ensure the proper positioning of liquid reagent samples at the bottom of sample wells for better solution mixing and amplification yield.
Labnet’s MPS 1000 Mini PCR Plate Spinner is the ideal piece of equipment to help with this process. The MPS 1000 can be used before and after thermal cycling to increase your PCR yield, and is small enough to easily fit on your laboratory bench. View the Labnet MPS 1000 Mini PCR Plate Spinner or any of Labnet’s other laboratory centrifuges.