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Product Highlight: Labnet International's ENDURO™ GDS Touch


Labnet International's ENDURO™ GDS Touch is a state-of-the-art integrated electrophoresis system for DNA and protein analysis, and gel documentation. The ENDURO™ GDS Touch utilizes the same technology as the ENDURO™ GDS; however, the ENDURO™ GDS Touch uses an integrated tablet PC to promote ease of use, and enhance imaging and analysis capabilities. The incorporation of a tablet PC into the ENDURO™ GDS Touch is a great way to cut back on costs by eliminating paper, as it is a digitally advanced platform to gather and analyze data.


The molecular biology field has shown a substantial increase in DNA imaging at the higher wavelengths, and the ENDURO™ GDS Touch is more than capable of gathering this type of data. With the use of both EPI-Blue and EPI-White light sources, the ENDURO™ GDS Touch is the perfect tool for your analysis needs. Furthermore, the powerful EPI-Blue light can discriminate bands stained with SYBR® Safe up to three levels of magnitude greater than imagers using blue light conversion screens.


To see more information about the ENDURO™ GDS Touch, or any of Labnet’s other electrophoresis equipment and molecular biology equipment, visit our laboratory equipment product pages.