water baths
The Right Tools for the Job: Equipping Your Start-Up Lab
30 May 2018
Opening a new lab is always an exciting adventure, but once you’ve done some broad planning for your startup lab, it’s time to get down to the details of exactly which tools and equipment you’ll need. Although every lab is different, there are certain pieces of lab equipment that are staples in virtually every facility. Knowing a little bit more about these essential pieces of equipment will help you properly equip your startup lab.
Need Help Deciding Between Dry Baths and Water Baths?
13 Mar 2018
If you use a bath for laboratory incubation applications, you already know you must rely on the quality and efficiency of the equipment to ensure the best outcomes. But before you can even begin to choose specific brands, dimensions, or features, you’ll have to decide whether you’re in need of a dry bath or if water baths will do the trick. Consider a few of the differences between these laboratory baths to help you make the best decision possible.
New Constant Temperature Selection Guide Simplifies Product Comparison Process
11 Sep 2013
When you're ready to start thinking about your next laboratory incubator, hybridization oven, or other constant temperature lab equipment purchase, the choices can go from broad to overwhelming pretty fast. Labnet International alone offers more than a dozen product models to choose from, and each of these come with an array of options and accessories to help you in your lab.
All these options are helpful, but can also tie you down when you're trying to make your purchasing decision.
That's why Labnet now offers a helpful new guide to make the process easier and helps you speed up your lab incubator, lab bath, or hotplate stirrer product comparison shopping.