centrifuge tips
3 Tips for Balancing Your Centrifuge
03 Dec 2018
Centrifuges play an essential role in laboratories, but they must be used correctly to deliver the best performance possible. One of the most important things technicians do when working with a centrifuge is to balance the rotor. An unbalanced rotor can compromise the performance of your centrifuge, have an impact on the reliability of your testing results, and may even cause irreversible damage to your equipment. The good news is that you can avoid all of these issues simply by following a few key tips for balancing your centrifuge.
Get Our Top Tips for Safe Centrifuge Operation
03 Oct 2017
Protect Yourself in the Lab
You’re ready to retrieve some samples from your lab centrifuge right before your break when the phone in your pocket buzzes and a coworker drops a flask across the lab. While you’re looking over your shoulder at the mess and thinking about the clock you reach for the centrifuge…
Accidents can happen in an instant with long-term consequences. You can protect yourself and your coworkers by following all safety procedures and relying on well-engineered equipment in your lab.